NAV(Net Asset Value)-Net asset value is
Market capitalisation - Total liblities
Total number of outstanding shares
Units= Invested Amount
AUM(Asset under Management) -AUM is total Invested amount in a particular scheme of Mutual fund or AMC(Asset Management company)
AMC-Mutual Fund company is better known as AMC(Asset Management company).
Switch-Switching of the whole amount/units or partial amount/units of a scheme to a different scheme of the Same AMC(mutual fund company ).
For Example switching all units of DSP Blackrock Equity Fund to DSP blackrock Micro cap fund.
or Switch of all units of SBI Balance Fund to SBI Midcap fund.
Switching of DSP Blackrock Equity Fund to SBI Midcap fund not allowed.
Dividend Reinvestment-Dividend reinvestment is the option where amount which was delcleared as diviend in a particular scheme is again reinvested in that particular scheme,units of that amount is
Dividend Payout-Dividend amount which was delcleared as diviend in a particular scheme is directly credited in you bank account.
Growth option -It is the option in which the Invested amount keeps on growing until and unless you redeem the amount.
Market capitalisation - Total liblities
Total number of outstanding shares
Units= Invested Amount
AUM(Asset under Management) -AUM is total Invested amount in a particular scheme of Mutual fund or AMC(Asset Management company)
AMC-Mutual Fund company is better known as AMC(Asset Management company).
Switch-Switching of the whole amount/units or partial amount/units of a scheme to a different scheme of the Same AMC(mutual fund company ).
For Example switching all units of DSP Blackrock Equity Fund to DSP blackrock Micro cap fund.
or Switch of all units of SBI Balance Fund to SBI Midcap fund.
Switching of DSP Blackrock Equity Fund to SBI Midcap fund not allowed.
Dividend Reinvestment-Dividend reinvestment is the option where amount which was delcleared as diviend in a particular scheme is again reinvested in that particular scheme,units of that amount is
Dividend Payout-Dividend amount which was delcleared as diviend in a particular scheme is directly credited in you bank account.
Growth option -It is the option in which the Invested amount keeps on growing until and unless you redeem the amount.
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